Boric acid works to relieve certain vaginal infections. It is an effective solution for yeast infection and bacterial vaginosis (BV).
It has been used as an effective solution when conventional anti fungal medications no longer work or become a hassle to take. Boric acid has been reported to be effective in 98% of women who have failed to respond to conventional treatments.
Antibiotic use, excessive alcohol, sugar, intercourse, or use of douches can throw off your pH balance making it easier to get an infection. Vaginal pH should ideally be kept acidic. The normal vaginal pH ranges between 3.8 and 5.0. Herbotanical’s B-Fresh works by restoring optimal pH levels and balancing vaginal flora (helpful bacteria).
How to Insert: Wash hands with soap and water. Using your longest finger, push the suppository deep into the vagina. Wash your hands with soap and water.
How to Insert With Applicator: Wash hands with soap and water. Place boric acid suppository on the applicator and gently insert in your vagina. Rinse applicator and allow to dry before storing.
Use one B-Fresh capsule per night for 7 consecutive nights. Do not use more than 1 capsule in a 24-hr period. If symptoms persist, use until your symptoms clear. Avoid having sexual intercourse while you are treating a vaginal infection.
The suppository will cause a clear discharge so it is recommended to wear a pantyliner. Boric acid will not prevent an infection from spreading to your partner.
Common side effects may include: Watery vaginal discharge, redness, mild burning, or a fine grit sensation in the vagina. If you have new or worsening symptoms, vaginal burning sensation, high fever, or symptoms that go away and come back, stop using immediately and call your doctor.
Store at a cool room temperature away from moisture, heat and direct sunlight.
100% Boric Acid, USP-Grade
DISCLAIMER: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.